Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact (14259) Multi-Purpose Carpet Cleaner Review
Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact (14259) Multi-Purpose Carpet Cleaner Review 1024 683 Marvin Wallace Marvin Wallace Review Of The Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact Multi-Purpose Carpet Cleaner
I love my kids and pets, but boy, can they wreak havoc on my home’s carpets. I have carpet in just about every room in my home, and this undoubtedly escalates the problem even further. After getting sick and tired of getting on my hands and knees and breaking a sweat, I decided to find a solution to this detrimental problem. Thankfully, I came across the Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact Carpet Cleaner. Below, you’ll learn whether or not I consider this investment to be worthy of my money.
Compact Design And Size

Lightweight and small
I am unable to lift heavy weights and tug around on big objects, due to my back. Plus, I am what many people would call lazy. Thanks to the lightweight and compact design of the Bissell Little Green, it is downright perfect for me. It weighs less than 10 pounds, so I do not have a problem transporting the machine throughout my home. It is almost impossible to find an alternative on the market that is lighter. The unit’s compact design is also refreshing. Whenever I have finished utilizing the product for the day, I store it away, without a bit of difficulty. This carpet extractor never gets in the way or become a trip hazard.
Built-In Heater

Activate the Bissell Little Green’s built-in heater at a push of a button!
There are very few affordable carpet cleaners that come with a built-in water heater. In fact, most products of this size do not include a water heater, and this can dramatically diminish their overall performance. This is a category in which the Bissell Little Green truly excels. The machine’s built-in water heater helps to ensure that those stubborn stains are eradicated without a bit of trouble.
I have used an abundance of different carpet cleaners over the years, and the difference here is easily visible. Those with heated water almost always deliver a more satisfying performance, and the Bissell ProHeat is no different.

To keep the machine portable, the water tank is designed to be small but easily refillable
I put a large amount of emphasis on the tanks of carpet cleaners. Here, the tank is capable of holding 48 ounces of fluid. It is truly the only potential downfall associated with this specific unit. Since the capacity is significantly smaller than that of the alternatives, this unit is somewhat difficult to recommend for those living in big dwellings or for commercial purposes.
Of course, the tank isn’t a total bust. It is surprisingly very easy to fill and clean. This helps to ensure that the aforementioned negative is nullified to some degree. Also, I have never made a mess, when attempting to fill the tank and that is definitely reassuring.
After having tested this product for many weeks, I am euphoric to say that the Little Green has provided me with surprisingly brilliant results. Dog’s urine stains is a big headache for everybody, but this cleaner managed to clean these messes up in a short period, and my carpet looks like brand new again. Even my friends have commented on how clean and fresh my carpet looked.
Affordability And Accessories

Abundance of useful accessories included in the box
The first and best thing about this carpet cleaner is that it is actually very affordable. Now, I am usually a bit hesitant about buying a cheaper product, but I can tell that this is one that actually does its job. My friends consistently refer to me as a stingy fool, but this has been an investment that makes them jealous. This is the case, because the machine comes with so many amazing accessories.

Long hose for great reach ability
The Bissell Little Green includes a very handy crevice tool. This addition makes it extremely easy to get to those typically hard to reach places. Many of the unit’s competitors are simply unable to reach these locations. For someone, who has OCD, the crevice tool will prove to be a godsend.
The machine also comes with a 3-inch stain tool, which is great for scrubbing out those deep down stains. When utilizing this tool, I unfortunately must get on my hands and knees, but the tool does the trick and gets those stains eradicated.
Finally, I absolutely loved the fact that the cleaner came with a trial sized cleaning formula. Sure, this might be a gimmick by the company in hopes that you’ll like the formula and continue buying more. Well, I might be foolish, but I fell for it hook, line and sinker.
Should You Buy The Bissell Littel Green ProHeat Compact?
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Our Rating
- Bissell Little Green ProHeat Compact (14259) Multi-Purpose Carpet Cleaner
Summary’s “Perfect for Small Jobs” Award
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- Bissell
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Marvin Wallace
Marvin Wallace is widely published and recognized as an expert in emerging technologies as well as a frequent speaker at industry conferences. You can visit him at
All stories by: Marvin Wallace
Rebecca Simerly
I have the Bissell pro heat turbo brush cleaner. It was given to me, but I do not have any instructions on how to fill it or use it. I have a puppy and I need help now. Help!
Becky Simerly 928-300-2695